Sunday, January 25, 2009 nowhere?

Well, as I said before, I did get a job with Chase. I'm a telephone banker (basically a teller w/out the face-to-face lol). I start Monday for a 5 week training period. We had an appt set for Brandon at a neuorologist in Feb, but I can't go because of the strict policy on not missing training. We've pushed it back to March. We've also asked that Gabriel be seen by the geneticist with Brandon, when we get that appt.

Alex has found a few leads with the hotels here. He had an interview today, but we're both still shaking our heads at the salary they're offering for a night auditor (especially one with his experience). The only thing I can think of is that with the economy in decline, the companies know they can pay next to nothing because of all the people they have applying for a few scarce positions. He has another inteview next week with a hotel that's right around the corner. I hope he gets offered that one, even if it's the same money. Much closer, not nearly the gas needed. It's bumming him out, tho. First, it takes forever to get any leads...and then it's paying next to nothing. I told him not to worry about it. Thankfully, I get paid pretty well and between the 2 of us, we'll be doing pretty good. I told him he had years where he was our sole source of income-he can take a break from worrying about it.

Kaitlynne got her report card and it has 3 (yes three) F's on it, along with multiple "concerns" from the teacher. I merely mentioned the fact that opted to cut her services against my wishes-perhaps they should rethink that. So, another IEP meeting coming up.

That's about it. Kids are doing well, otherwise. Until next time...

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