Sunday, December 21, 2008

'Tis the season...

for depression. I'll admit, I take medication for my anxiety, but it's not really doing much these days. We moved to the midwest because the economy was holding on pretty well-at least, until we got here. We've had a hard time finding work. Alex has been lucky enough to get seasonal work with UPS, and we're hoping he can get something with them after the holidays. I've been sick since we got here with bronchitis, and now a sinus infection. I had some issue with my back that I had to go to the ER for...doc said it's stress-related (go figure). The bills have started showing up, so we had to cave and ask my ass-in-law (hubby's dad) for money. He made sure to tell hubby that apparently I caused the economic recession all by myself-I'm just THAT good. I know, I'm sounding whoa-is-me. I haven't been out of the house much, other than to go to a couple of interviews (I was "over-qualified" for one, bad credit for the second, but hopeful for the third). The job I'm waiting on is only part-time for now, but the manager (bank) said she has plenty of extra hours for me with vacations and such. I hope to find out before Christmas.

Kaitlynne has been having a bit of trouble with school. On the social-aspect, she's doing well-made friends, teacher likes her, etc... She's just getting frustrated with the work. I think it's the same type of thing she was doing at her other school, just hard work right now. Hopefully she'll get it-I know it's frustrating for her.

Brandon is doing well. He has been making so much eye contact, and lots of noises. Yesterday, I accidentally hit his head with toy and he said 'ow'. We aren't sure if he was meaning it as it's supposed to be, or if it was a noise that came out-either way, it was exciting. He goes to his new pediatrician in a couple of weeks, and from there we'll get referrals for a neuro and geneticist so we can move further with the test results from Maine.

Gabriel has been making more eye contact, as well. He makes his noises, but not any words...yet. We've been stretching his neck more again-it seemed to be turning in just a smidge again. He's a total loveybutt.

Anne-Marie is the life of the party! She's talking (mama, dada, all gone, bye bye, hi, hello, baby), dancing, running, laughing...very funny little girl.

Alex is good, tho stressed, like me. We know it will work out, we just hadn't anticipated it taking this long. Sucks.

My mom' mom. She goes out a lot, which is good for her. Helps with the kids. Gotten a bit lazy with things around the house, but I guess we all have.

I hope everyone's holidays are going well, and everyone stays safe. Until next year ;)

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