Sunday, September 21, 2008

The What-If's will get you every time...

I'm having a hard time dealing with things as they stand right now. We were brought up here for what reason? To fail? Couldn't he have had his fun humiliating us in Florida? So now we wait. We have to stay until the end of October anyway for Brandon's test...another source of major anxiety. My son's neurologist thinks he could have Tuberous Sclerosis. This would explain the speech delay, milestone delays, etc... The thought of him having numerous seizures everyday...ugh. I spend so much time just holding his hand, or rubbing his head (he likes that, since I had to buzz his hair off for the next EEG). I have to call tomorrow about the MRI (putting my baby under sedation for nearly 2 hours). What does my father-in-law say to all of this? That we're wasting our time trying to get our son labeled 'retarded' and finding a pill to make him talk. Yep, just a brief glimpse into the kind of monster that holds our fate in his hands, so-to-speak. After the nasty (but true) email he got from us a week ago, it's been a standoff of wills. Who's going to crack first. It will be us, tho, and he knows it. We have no other options...and he knows it. I can see freedom so close, but so far away...

Kaitlynne is a whole other ball of wax. She's had a HORRIBLE time adjusting to the move here, and now we're probably moving again? I know it's a better move that this one, but still. She is filled with so much...contempt. For everyone in our home, it seems (except the babies, I think-she does REALLY well with them).

The twins are doing well. Gabriel got a good report from the orthopedist (says his head may not ever mold to be a perfect round, but he's doing really good with the ROM). He'll be starting speech therapy with Donna (Brandon's therapist) next week. I honestly didn't notice a delay until he was evaluated (at Alex's insistance). Anne-Marie is ever the drama queen and SO super clingy to me! It's usually sweet, but can be really trying at times. I think Alex thinks she doesn't like him, but I'm sure she'll *switch teams* soon enough.

I find myself so full of disappointment/sadness/anger at what happened here. Not just with the BS that my father-in-law put us through, but with the way I trusted Juanita. People tried to tell me about her and I didn't listen. Now, she has the money she stole (and I can't prove it) and all the crap she said about us to HIM. Oh well, losers of a feather, I guess. Not everyone here was a waste...I really like Mary. I was told not to trust her, either, but she's the only one who still talks to me (since we closed the restaurant). We met some great customers, and Cindy (our part-time cook) is a sweetheart, too. More bad apples than good, unfortunately. Another chapter in life, tho...I'm so ready to start a new, better one.


3LadiesAndALilMan said...

Wow Becky I had no idea you had so much on your plate :( (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

You'll land where you need to... and it will feel like home cause your family is near.